**Town Clerk Office Hours**
Monday = 8AM - 6PM
Tuesday = 8AM - 4PM
Wednesday = 8AM - 4PM
Thursday = 8AM - 4PM
Land Use and Development Ordinance (Zoning)
Zoning Ordinance adopted September 8, 2018
Definitions adopted September 8, 2018
Appendix B (Permit Fee Schedule)
Zoning Map (adopted September 12, 2009)
Subdivision Ordinance
Subdivision Ordinance (adopted September 9, 2017)
Appendices except Q and R
Appendix R
Comprehensive Plan (adopted October 1990, minor revisions April 22, 1991)
Chapters 1-6
Chapters 7-11 and Appendices
click here to view the Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing video
Large Scale Water Extraction Ordinance (adopted June 5, 2007)
Dog Control Ordinance (adopted 9/9/2006)
Town of Parsonsfield Personnel Policy